Friday, February 15, 2019

Manual For A Healthy Life

Manual For A Healthy Life 

Here are some tips that, by applying them, in your daily routine would change your life:
1- Drink a lot of water: take care of your body. Learn about nutrition. What kind of food does your body need to have the maximum of energy? What kind of exercise can you enjoy? And offer your body time to rest. Love the temple in which you live.
2- Perform activities to activate your brain: Here are some
exercises to develop your brain:
- Use the clock in the opposite hand you usually use. 
-Get dressed with your eyes closed.
- See the photos, heading down.
- Change the path you usually use to return home.
The idea is to do some different things so that you exercise the other side of your brain. 
3-Eat more of what grows from the trees and plants. Always eat fruits with an empty stomach, it plays an important role to detoxify your body and provide a lot of energy to lose weight and other life activities. "The fruit is the most important food".
4- Sleep 8 hours per day. While you sleep, most of your circulatory system is concentrated in your liver. This is important because your body suffers a detoxification process. 
5-Apply The 3 ‘E’, energy, empathy, enthusiasm. Be kind to yourself. Be patient while you learn new things and change old habits.
6- Do not compare yourself with others, love yourself.
7- Read more books, read at least 8 pages every day. 
8-Avoid negative thoughts. Pessimist people don’t get solutions and increase problems.
9-Forget and forgive things of the past. Remove everything that is useless.
10-Thank God when you wake up in the morning and when you go to sleep. 
11-Keep your heart happy, do what you love and love what you do. 
12-If someone smiles to you, smile back.

13- Spend time with your family. Your work won’t take care of you when you need help, your family and friends will.
14-Know that losing sometimes is OK, learn about it. 
15-Remember you own your happiness. 
16-Life is short to hate someone. Don’t poison your heart with hate and grudge.
17- Walk every day for at least 30 minutes. 
18-Don’t eat up to feel plenty. Less is more.
19- Big ideas have small beginnings. If your ideas don’t scare you is because they aren’t big enough. 
20- Spend less time with your phone.

By Lady Madiedo, Step 10