Friday, February 15, 2019

Healthy Lifestyle For Teenagers Around The World

Healthy Lifestyle For Teenagers Around The World                            

The health of our teenagers all around the world is very important and we all have to take care of it because they are the future.
There are two sides of the teenage lifestyle in the world on which
we can focus: first the one of the called “first world”, where every healthy habit is being substituted by a less healthy one, for example: In the US almost every teenager has his own car, for this reason, they usually don’t walk for going where they want to; additionally, they spend a lot of money in food, which most of the time is junk food, resulting in an increasing level of obesity.

The second one is the teenage lifestyle of the “third world”, here most of the teenagers work in agriculture or construction without any kind of workers' health regulation, to reach the place of work they walk for kilometers without any rest, in addition, they eat almost nothing or really anything nutritious for days.

None of these lifestyles can be considered healthy at all.
Obviously, there are some exceptions; for example, in Denmark, teenagers use to move from a place to another with their bikes and their diet is based on baked potatoes and fish, and teenagers which live in rich families in Africa eat plenty of chicken and vegetables.

What should we do?
We should promote, for example, riding bikes by improving bike’s tracks or by distributing them for rent in the first world as well as in the third world.
We should stop giving our money to junk food restaurants and start investing in healthy options like vegetables, fruits, cereals, fresh meat and milk that comes from little peasants and cattle farmers. 

It’s easier than it seems.
It’s less easy to solve the malnourishment in poor countries, they should give bonuses to families with children under 18 years, to offer them good food and clean water and to be sure they don’t have to do hard jobs to maintain the family.

Many foundations are born to solve both problems of the richest and the poorest countries in what concerns teenagers' health, few examples are: Save the children, Partnership for a Healthier America, and many others.

If we unite we can save teenagers from health problems like obesity, malnourishment, scoliosis, etc. by increasing the consciousness of everybody: adults, seniors and even children.

By Federica Tampu, Step 10