Saturday, February 2, 2019

January 23rd, an Emblematic Date In Venezuela´s History

January 23rd, an Emblematic Date In Venezuela´s History 

Last January 23rd we could see how Venezuelans shouted for freedom, making from it a day to remember, since they are tired of starving,  they are finally willing to take down a person that has only damaged and ripped  their freedom away

President Maduro, who was able to break families apart for his own beleifs and selfish decisions, has not resigned his position. But finally, after so much suffering and ignorance, the Venezuelan citizens are speaking up to stop, with the help of Juan Guaido, who is the Presiding Officer of the National Assembly, Venezuela`s unicameral legislature , and he is as well  recongnized as the new President of Venezuela by the international community. 

The European Parliament recognized Guaidó today, Jan 31st, as the Interim President from Venezuela.  Hopefully, with his help, this country might go back to his best years.
Meanwhile, everyone is looking foward to observing the still president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, and what he is going to do next. 

During last days, Maduro has captured around 10 journalists for covering the news of the different protests that have taken place in Venezuela. Countries like Spain are demanding
Maduro to release them because they have not done anything wrong, but making us witness demonstrations and their consequences. As well, he has improved the security in Caracas, due to the protests and the regrettable number of deaths and imprisoned civilians (More than 800 so far), and different rumors are surrounding the world, due to the relations between Russia and Venezuela that The United States sees as a point for destabilizing the region.

By María Camila Montes, Step 9