Climate change is a huge problem that not only humans but the entire planet is confronting nowadays. Animals and plants are dying, the temperatures are increasing, the arctic is melting and even more is happening right now. The earth is facing tipping points that if we, as humans and residents of this planet, don't solve soon, it can lead to the earth's culmination.
There are eight tipping points: Permafrost thawing,West and East Antarctic ice sheet loss, Greenland's ice sheet loss, large-scale die-off coral reefs, fires and pests changing in boreal forests, the slowdown in Atlantics circulation, reduction of the Arctics sea ice and the Amazons rainforest frequent droughts. The Amazon rainforest is one of the most affected by deforestation and it can lead to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
An important tipping point is located in the South American continent, specifically in the Amazon Rainforest. This forest is a biodiversity hotspot for many species and is known as the world's largest rainforest and for its river system. This forest has over 3 million species and over 2500 species of trees (Thomson,2020). Taking into account the importance of this place, it can be considered as a lung for the planet. However, the situation is not going in a good way, as a result, many species are dying and this forest is suffering from the climate change that has been increasing through the years. One factor that is ending the Amazon rainforests vitality and stability is deforestation.
According to DW (2022) about 17% of this forest has been cut down for several human activities like farms and mines. Most of these activities are illegal, so it means that authorities have to take actions in order to stop them from cutting down the forest. When these trees are cut down, the forest is not going to be able to produce the same amount of oxygen as before. This decrease in the production of oxygen will affect the species that live in the area and also affects the ones that live in the rest of the planet, it makes the greenhouse effect increase in our planet, leading to high temperatures.
In conclusion, the Amazon Rainforest is a place not only for the animals but for us, so, as an intelligent being, we should start to preserve and protect our planet to make it a better place for future generations. Deforestation, killing and appropriating nature only brings destruction and less life expectancy for us.
Taking into account the different factors like greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, it will cause an augmentation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses that are not beneficial or healthy for the animals that live in our ecosystem. Many solutions have to be created to stop this tipping point from happening and destroying life on Earth. Whay haven't we started doing much more yet?
DW (2022). Destruction of the Amazon: what you need to know.