Wednesday, March 6, 2024

My Story


Johann, a 31-year-old engineer specialized in biodynamics; he lives in the town of Bad Wiessee, south of the capital of Bavaria, Germany, next to Lake Tegernsee. 

For approximately four years, he undertook the project of building a bunker that would allow him to stay in it for a long period of time, providing it with an energy generator, access to a deep well for water supply and thanks to his specialty, the production of food in artificial conditions. 

Johann had this idea from a very young age, as his ancestors had to live through the horrors of several wars and the most recent one, experienced by his grandparents and his own parents when they were very young; the war between Russia and Ukraine which led to clashes between different nations, which fortunately was controlled, but it was almost the verge of ending human existence. He listened attentively to his parents' stories of all the things they had to experience, traveling many desolate roads, destroyed by the cruel and merciless action of the bombs, those that destroy everything and made them experience hunger and thirst, the inclemencies about the weather and all the things that we never stop to think. What happens if we lack it?... 

Furthermore, Johann was struck by the uncertainty caused by hearing the news, which indicates that the continuous and growing differences between Japan and the United States have changed the political situation of the world, as if it were a bad joke in which events are replicated with different protagonists, from those war stories that he heard at home; but, without taking into account that in the current year 2063, technological advancements were also used for weapons development and their destructive scope is not really known. 

At this point, Johann had time to add some entertaining things to his bunker since he had practically finished it, he thought that the best thing would be not to have to use it, but if necessary, everything was ready. 

12 years later… 

Through these years, Johann, using his communication equipment, has tried to establish contact with the outside world, but without achieving any results. However, his contamination and radiation indicators show that outside the bunker the levels have decreased, for this reason he intends to go out to investigate, and for this he packed some ammunition and basic elements, along with a bicycle that he had been taking care of as a means of transportation for the day when he could get out of there. 

It’s autumn time, too much time has passed since Johann last saw sunlight, and the huge emotional impact caused him to collapse on the ground laughing and crying. After a few minutes he gets up and with a glance explores his surroundings, he can't identify if the appearance of the environment is due to the season or due to the events that may have occurred. 

Johann's instinct led him to his old house and to his surprise it was still complete although abandoned and looking quite sad. But the rest of the houses were in the same situation, what was once his home was now nothing more than a ghost town, the only thing that could be heard was the wind and the leaves colliding on the trees. Even if Johann was used to

loneliness, the feeling generated by witnessing that gloomy scene created a lump in his throat. Anyway, he wasn't going to give up until he reached a big city, he was approximately 3 hours from Munich by bike so he didn't think about it anymore and started pedaling. 

After walking around the city for a few minutes, he found a Rottweiler puppy outside a closed store. He was surprised to find it alone without its mother, and was even more intriguing how it had been able to survive, however, he didn't give it much importance and he decided to take it with him, so that they could keep each other company. 

He was greatly surprised when upon arriving in the center of Munich he discovered that it was inhabited by some people and those who were there looked in good condition and also used advanced technologies that he did not know about. Johann approached one of them to find out what was happening and learned about the war; it lasted four years and only 3% of the world's population had survived, but that everyone was working very hard to rebuild and improve what they had lost. 

Johann was overwhelmed, he had many questions, but his tiredness didn’t allow him to think anymore, so he preferred to ask for a place to settle with his new puppy. The people told him that there would be no problem since there were too many unoccupied houses and he could choose any one. 

Johann walked towards one of the nearby houses and his new friend followed him without making a sound. After having slept for many hours, he looked for the kitchen to prepare a sandwich and also one for Falk, the name he chose for his dog. 

After eating, Johann realized that the little dog wasn't eating and didn't want to drink water either; a little bit worried about the Falk's well-being, he went out in search of someone who could check him and find out if he was sick or what was happening to him. 

Strange surprise when he discovered that his new friend was not a pet like the ones he knew before the war, this little one was the result of the creation of an artificial intelligence. Fear and doubt invaded him because the question arose in his mind. How to know if the people he saw were humans like him or were also the result of an AI.

By Ana María Grau V., Step 10