Wednesday, March 6, 2024

An Ordinary Day With Peanuts, part 2.


                                                                               Shirley Jackson, author

Mr. Johnson started his day off by strolling through the streets of New York like the previous day; however, he did not carry any peanuts or candy in his pockets, while he was thinking of what to have for lunch, suddenly a man bumped into Mr Johnson, and they both hit the ground, “You okay, sir?” Said Mr. Johnson, “Yeah, I’m fine” answered the man as Mr. Johnson helped him to get on his feet, “I should really pay more attention to where I’m going, sorry for the trouble” said the man “You definitely should” responded Mr. Johnson.

A few minutes after the men parted ways, Mr. Johnson pulled out a wallet “Connie Springer, eh” then quickly pocketed 120 dollars and subsequently trashed the wallet, then continued his walk around the city. 

A couple of blocks up the street he found a woman who had some trouble carrying all of hee groceries. “Good morning ma'am, would you like some help with that” at first she was skeptical of him, but she had nobody else to help her so she kindly accepted.

After all of the groceries were put in the car, the woman thanked Mr. Johnson and she went to start her car, thinking Johnson had left, but in fact he still hadn’t finished what he was doing, and before the woman could get out of the parking lot, Johnson slashed her tires and simply left without saying a word.

After deciding to eat a hamburger, Mr. Johnson sat on a bench, thinking about his life until it was getting late, then Mr. Johnson heard a commotion in the distance, a gang member had just killed someone in a drive by but crashed into a wall and got knocked unconscious trying to escape the scene of the crime. Quickly, Mr. Johnson dragged the criminal into an alleyway where tall grass had sprouted and hid him there.

When the police came to find the culprit, Mr. Johnson told the cop that the gangster went in the opposite direction of where he was lying, and seeing the policeman fade into the distant street on a wild goose chase, Mr Johnson walked back to his home, seeing the woman whose tires he had slashed, still at the supermarket parking lot, screaming at someone on the phone.

He then saw Connie Springer at the police station talking to a police officer about presumably his lost wallet. Then Mr. Johnson got home, didn’t even bother to greet his wife, had dinner and went straight to bed.

By Daniel Lorza and

Abdel Yarala, Step 9