Monday, March 4, 2024

An Ordinary Day With Peanuts by Shirley Jackson: My Sequel

 Another day in Black and White

It was another ordinary day for Mr. Johnson, hustling through the busy streets without a care in the world. He breathed in the city air and brushed past lingering strangers thinking, “today is going to be another good day”.

Mr. Johnson strode with unwavering kindness, illuminating a beacon of hope in the hearts of everyone he encountered. Yet, as he marched on, a dark and mysterious shadow loomed over the city sidewalks. As the shadow drew on, it consumed people in its folds, and when they emerged once again, they seemed to have completely transformed into something entirely new. They resembled a sort of zombie; their appearance was the same, but their faces were worn, their backs hunched, their movements sluggish, and their expressions weary. Only a few citizens were unaffected by the impending threat; the rest were a clear reminder of the fragility that is found in humanity, and how easy it is to be terrorized by this figure cloaked in darkness. 

Ignoring this, Mr. Johnson kept his head up high and didn't pay attention to this enormous shadow that absorbed everyone's thoughts. His faith in goodness was enough to keep himself, and other people going. So he went around, just like he did every day, and helped anyone he could. Today, he helped a stray dog off oncoming traffic, a single dad with his daughters, and a young woman find her long-lost love. With each experience Mr. Johnson had, the menacing shadow retired slowly, little by little, yet as always, it managed to return to some people's minds, just like the sea always returns to shore, as well as haunting new people who had never come by this patronizing creature.

And so, as the sun set low in the sky, and Mr. Johnson went on his way, he found himself at the source of it all, and taking a deep breath, he remembered all the good he did today, and how long these good deeds could last. So, with one last lingering look at the receding shadow that constantly fought with the beam of light and hope overshadowing the city in its splendor, he opened the door and found himself at home.

He greeted his wife and as always, they talked about their day of work over dinner, and he appreciated how well they went together. Shadow and gleam. Misery and joy. She was his other half, and together, they shaped people's lives, wrote their stories interwoven with good moments and bad experiences, their strengths and shortcomings. Together, they ruled the world with their darkness and light. 

By Sofía Lencioni, Step 9