Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Baby Boomers vs Gen Z: How media consumption has changed and what’s its impact on social interaction?


Hello everyone!, judges and the rest of presents in this room, my name is Veronica Ortiz and before I start this speech, I would like to tell you guys a little story:

I have a little sister, she loves to watch youtube, to chat with her classmates and being online 24/7 at a point where it started worrying me, lately i've been spending more time with my grandparents, that don’t know well how to use technology, and I just watch them staring at the nature listening to their radios, l just wondered if this is what new generations are going to miss out?

It is an obvious fact that, over the years, media consumption has completely transformed the way we interact with one another, no matter our age, gender, race or our beliefs, we’ve all felt the impact of modern media in our lives, either to a greater or lesser extent.

I chose this topic because it would be a great starting point for an open discussion on the role of media in the shaping of people’s views and behaviors. I'm fully convinced that it could and will lead to a better understanding of both the elderly and the youth, the world the new generations are living in, and therefore, better ways to support their development in this technological world.

For this purpose I should start first with a simple question: How has technology changed the way we consume media?

We’re all well aware that technology has changed drastically over the past few decades, and maybe a while ago our grandparents and parents had to go to the store everyday to buy a newspaper as their only source of information about the world, or they had a radio in their homes, but is it the same today? The truth is that we have all the information in the palm of our hands, with only one click we can have access to not only one but multiple sources of media, what does this mean for us?

  • Increased accessibility, for us and for advertisers and media organizations, the way we consume information, everything is being controlled by algorithms, are we really the ones controlling what we see and when we see it?

  • Personalization allows corporations to connect better with users; therefore, now you have the content of your preference at the time you want. Do we know when to stop? Or is the “just one more” mentality ruling our lives?

  • Social factor, there has been an opportunity to connect with people without the necessity of leaving our phone, face to face contact has lost its importance.  Are we becoming more isolated and disconnected from each other, or are we finding new and creative ways to connect?

  • Infoxication phenomenon: Due to the availability of so much information, it is easy for our brain to feel overwhelmed. How are we supposed to find balance when all we have around us is information ready to be consumed?

We have to take into account how this has affected diverse generations

  • The elderly may feel isolated and overwhelmed by the speed technology is advancing. However, it could also create a new space in which their lives could be easier, contacting with their family through video calls and messages, reading the news and meeting with friends could become more accessible, especially to the ones that cannot leave the house.

  • Teens may feel disconnected from worldwide media, and often inclined to other types of media, such as social media, which has led to major issues like mental illnesses, self love and image issues, along with disconnection from their families and the real world (quote)

Media has changed, and so has the way we consume it, and the way it has impacted young and older generations is evident. We must be aware of the short and long-term effects of media, but we must also acknowledge the advances it has allowed for our lives. Despite the social, cultural and digital divide between Gen Z and Baby Boomers, we should focus on finding ways to connect rather than focusing on our differences. By building bridges instead of walls, we should understand each other better and create a much more united society.

Thank you very much.

Child Mind Institute (August 10,2023)

By Verónica Ortiz G., Step 10