Friday, June 2, 2023

Bloody Lie

A Short Story

9:45 am; Melbourne, Australia: Australian Criminology Institute

¨Pass me the pliers please Lizzie, I understand this may be hard for you, I have no problem if you want to exit the room-

 ¨No, I wanna know what happened to her,we didn't have the best relationship but I loved her, she was my sister, Dave!¨ 

¨Okay, okay, you can stay here, but just know I will understand otherwise¨.  

¨Lizzie, I don't understand why if you wanna know what happened to her, you won't let the police intervene¨.

¨I already told you dave,that's too much paperwork, plus I don't have enough money to financially support all of the legal requirements I´d have to pay if we discover its a murder, I just want her to rest peacefully, and for my own sake, just perform the autopsy to know what happened, could you just please, as a friend, do me a favor and, leave things like this?¨¨
¨Okay Lizzie¨.

The night before, Elizabeth Short had found her sister, lying dead on the floor of her bedroom. Ironically enough, Lizzie worked in a morgue, so she knew exactly how to proceed and where to take her sister. She cried all night long, but with an intractable pain.

Next morning, she took her sister to her workplace, told her boss, and best friend, the situation and they both agreed to not tell the police, and just carry on with the funeral acts; however, this seemed kind of suspicious for Dave, so behind Lizzi's back, he called the federals and kept them up with the case. What he didn't know was that her coworker would be hearing everything from behind the door, worried about what may happen next and feeling extremely untrusted by whom she thought was her best friend.

* ´Sir, are you sure of what you are telling me?¨

¨Yes, Officer. I performed a double autopsy without her knowing because I really wanted to help her understand what had happened to her sister, I knew she was devastated, so on the first one, that we did together, she really didn't go through as supposed to, but I just thought she was too hurt to do anything, until I checked again and found traces of arsenic in the girls body¨

¨Of what kind, sir?¨ ¨I ran some tests, and it's the same kind we use here in the lab¨

¨Are you implying that she could have been the murderer of her sister¨

¨Well, I a- *THUMP* ¨Sir? Hello, are you there?¨ *

Dave dropped dead like one more of the victims of the now known Killer, Elizabeth Short.

¨Oh, Dave, you shouldn't have said anything, I always thought you looked better silent...I had so many things planned for us…  

Lizzie's sister was just her first victim, and before she left, she made sure to grab all the arsenic left from that same lab. But every killer leaves its trails...and when she was about to execute the final part of her plan...


Open ending.

Create your own ending.... just try!

By Gabriella De La Rosa and
Maria Victoria Villalobos, Step 9