Friday, April 28, 2023


Till What Point Should Scientists be Allowed to Abuse an Animal to Prove a Hypothesis: NOVA Speech


Experimenters castrated five young innocent monkeys, chopped their testicles, and regrew them to see if they were still capable of producing sperm. Out of 138 fertilized eggs, only one was viable, and Grady, who will be another victim, was born. Monkeys are genetically close to us, and it is a devastating reality that animals that are so close to our species are still treated like that. 

Good morning everyone, my name is Antonia Escobar, and the first
time I got a notion of what some animals are put through, is when I was a little girl and I saw photos of an abused rabbit. I have always had a passion for animals, I want to be a vet, and young me couldn’t believe innocent animals were suffering at the hands of mankind. 

Good morning everyone, my name is Juliana Castro, and since I was little, there were a lot of pets in my big family. I didn't have one, because I knew what a big responsibility it would be for me. I care about animals, so reading and investigating these animal testing abuses breaks my heart.

 So you can see the effects of animal testing, we wanted to show you this video by PETA or the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. 

We just saw so many photos of tested abused animals, and as horrible as these photos are, some are much worse. Animals are creatures with feelings, and as there are laws that protect humans from torture, there are indeed also laws that protect animals, but these are ineffective. The Animal Welfare Act states that animals should receive standard care at research facilities, but how does the AWA help when it doesn’t apply to the most tested on animals, such as rats, mice, birds, and fish? We should also keep in mind that when someone fails to obey these laws it is only punishable if it is inside a research facility, but outside of a lab, it is not a felony.

Other laws are forcing AWA, but they still are not enough to stop animal abuse. Laws such as the Public Health Service, this system consist and work with the OLAW or Office of Laboratory Welfare. The PHS has a policy helping vertebrate animals in the laboratories that receive federal funding, but the policy lacks enforcement. The agency requires only written assurance of compliance through the Office of Laboratory Welfare. When a facility is found deficient, OLAW takes little action and has no mandated follow-up or on-site inspection.

Experimenters call this “medicine” and think this is an excuse for their horrible actions. We are in the 21st century and we cannot keep believing that the only way to test pharmaceutical drugs is through animals. It has been proven that there are alternative ways that are often cheaper, quicker, and more effective than animal testing. It does not halt medical developments; therefore, it does not put humans at risk.

Scientific innovations have been slowly replacing areas that had abused animals, such as toxicity testing, and drug development. On top of this, the drugs that are tested on animals are very often unreliable on humans given that the diseases that are induced in animals are never a replica of human beings. About 85 HIV/AIDS vaccines have been successful in animals, yet we humans still don’t have a cure for us. It is unbelievable that only 52% of USA citizens are in disagreement with animal testing, whilst the other 48% are in agreement just in case of medical purposes. And top it all off, 90% percent of medical tests on animals don't get to the human treatment phase, which means animals are being abused without a purpose. 

Nonetheless, society is still feeding the companies that abuse animals without even noticing. Your tax money may be going directly to animal testing funds and the products that you buy from common brands such as Johnson and Johnson are still testing on animals.

We can’t believe people are saying that animal testing is good till one point, but once animals are tested on and abused there is no coming back. These poor animals have holes drilled into their skulls, their spines are crushed and they are forced to inhale toxic fumes, just to mention some of the cruelties they are put through. They are taken away from their known environments, and they are abused physically and physiologically before their death. We want you to reflect for 1 minute, and think how you would feel if you had to stay in the same room for 10 years.

That feeling of deprivation and depression is the same that animals feel, and the pain they endure when people are testing them. We strongly believe that animals should never be tested on, and given all the reasons we have previously mentioned there are safe and more effective methods than animal testing and abuse.

Mankind has always tried to base their actions around them being ethical or not, and animal abuse and testing should not be an exception. Good morals are not killing over 100 million animals a year, confining animals to a cage and intentionally causing them pain and loneliness. Humans are the smartest animals in the world, but this is not an excuse to abuse and torture inferior animals. On the contrary we should feel empathy for these animals, and not abuse our power. These animals are left with no ways to defend themselves and suffer slow and painful deaths at the hand of abusers.

Take action now, it can be as small as to stop buying makeup products that are tested on animals. Organizations should also take action and cooperate with governments to enforce harsher punishments and laws to those who abuse animals. It should be prohibited no matter if it is for medical purposes, for entertainment, or for education. The reason does not end up mattering to the scared animal, confined all alone in a cage and suffering at the hands of mankind. 




Antonia Escobar and 
Juliana Castro, Step 8