Friday, April 28, 2023

Artificial Intelligence: Helpful or Harmful? NOVA Speech Contest

Nowadays we are living in a world in which we don´t know if the one writing behind the phone is a real human or an artificial intelligence, a type of machine that can be controlled by humans or even with the bases of humans, can have conscience.

In essence, AI involves the development of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem solving. While the benefits of AI are clear, there are also concerns about its impact on jobs, privacy and security. We will explore both the potential benefits and risks of AI, and consider the ethical implications of this rapidly evolving technology.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to change industries and improve the quality of life in many ways. For example, AI-powered robots can perform dangerous and complicated tasks in manufacturing, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative tasks. AI can also be used in healthcare to look for disease, develop personalized treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. 

Additionally, AI can help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing energy use in buildings, factories, and transportation systems. While the potential benefits of AI are clear, there are also concerns about its impact on employment. Many workers worry that AI-powered machines will replace their jobs, leaving them without employment opportunities. Some experts predict that up to 40% of jobs could be automated in the next few decades, potentially having a significant impact on the global workforce. However, others argue that AI will create new job opportunities in areas such as software development, robotics, engineering and data analysis. 

Another concern about AI is its impact on privacy. As AI systems become more advanced, they can collect and analyze vast amounts of data about people, including their personal preferences, behavior, and location. This data can be used to target individuals with personalized advertising, or even to make decisions about their access to services like healthcare, finances, and education. There is also a risk that AI systems could be used to monitor people for nefarious purposes, such as tracking their movements or monitoring their conversations.

The ethical implications of AI must be carefully considered and managed to ensure that its benefits outweigh its risks. AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, and if that data is biased, the system will be biased too.

The robots can make judgments, and solve issues. Further robots can be used in war, education, health, and different industries. There are several varieties of AI, such as:

Rule-based AI: makes judgments by adhering to a set of predetermined rules. Expert systems: make judgments based on information from subject-matter experts, Neural networks are used in deep learning, a kind of machine learning, to learn from data.

Through experience, machine learning employs algorithms to increase performance on a task.

The ethical ramifications of AI, such as the prospect of job displacement, the effect on privacy and security, and the potential for biased decision-making, must be taken into account.

Despite the fact that it has a lot of advantages, it is crucial to approach its development and application with caution and regard for its possible effects on society.

Overall, artificial intelligence is a fast-evolving area that has the power to drastically alter many facets of our life.

Now, I'm going to talk about some features and info you might know artificial intelligence has, and can help us in our daily life.

Search engine!

If you have ever used the Google search engine they give you optimized, so near to what you asked for results based on AI. On the other extreme AI is used in Robotics and even in weaponry which can function without human aid. 


Likewise AI created by man to have the complex ability to think and act like human beings can act in destructive mode if something goes wrong. Hacking and programming errors or even robots starting to communicate with each other in a language man will not be able to understand can well be the nightmare of tomorrow.

As the world’s leading technology Companies are competing with each other to show the world their prowess through pioneering AI; as efforts are being made to deify AI to semi-god status, robots can some day gain enough intelligence to challenge the might of man. Though it might be in the future, we might lose our sleep on it tonight.


Despite appearing to be a relatively new technology, artificial intelligence actually has a long history. It is thought that concepts from artificial intelligence were employed in Greek mythology.

Warren McCulloch and Walter Pits initially proposed the artificial neuron model in 1943. After seven years, in 1950, Alan Turing submitted a research paper on AI with the working title “Computer Machinery and Intelligence.” John McCarthy, who is regarded as the father of artificial intelligence, first used the term in 1956.

Predictive analysis

This is a method of using artificial intelligence techniques to make predictions about future events, trends, and behaviors. Predictive analytics has been used in a number of different fields, including marketing, healthcare, and financial services.

Let 's continue…

While there are many potential benefits to using artificial intelligence, there are also some challenges associated with it as well. One challenge is that computers cannot yet replicate human intuition or creativity. Additionally, as artificial intelligence becomes more advanced it might become difficult for humans to understand how the system works and why it makes certain decisions – this could lead to unforeseen consequences if the system were to malfunction in some way.

Finally, there is always the risk that artificially intelligent systems could eventually become smarter than humans and pose a threat to our existence.

Many experts believe that true AI or strong AI has not yet been achieved and worry about its potential risks if it were ever attained. The term artificial intelligence is often used to refer to narrow AI (Narrow Artificial Intelligence), which is a form of AI where the system is designed and trained for a specific task. A common example of this would be a simple chatbot or voice assistant such as Siri or Alexa.

On the other hand, strong AI (Strong Artificial Intelligence) refers to systems that are able to carry out any intellectual task that a human being can – such as reasoning, natural communication, and problem-solving. Some people even believe that strong AI will eventually lead to artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is an AI system that possesses all the cognitive abilities of a human being across all domains. However, this remains largely theoretical at present.

AI good or bad??

That matter about the way a person thinks and says about the technology and future society. People relates AI with bad robots who wants to exterminate the world and kill people. But that can't be possible, at least nowadays, we don't know what the future awaits you, but the only thing I can say, because future is the only way we can think and make things better.

By Leonardo Guerrero and

Samuel Villalba, Step 9