Monday, January 23, 2023

Boys and Girls' Analysis


The stories the main character reads to her brother at night combine the world that the narrator lives in with fantasies about opportunities not prone to happen on the farm that they live in. For example, she saves people from a building, shoots rabid wolves, and rides into town heroically on horseback.

1.We felt that it was a good ending for the story, we think the story had a good development and the girl’s character too.

2. Throughout the story the mother always tried to make the girl do chores, but she refused to do them because she thought they were feminine tasks and didn’t want to be obligated to do them.

3. She felt proud of herself every time she helped her father as she liked her effort to be recognized. She hated everything her mother wanted her to do though.

4. Her behavior changed drastically, she wouldn’t want to help her father easily and she started caring about her looks. When the horse died she felt ashamed. We think this event marks the beginning of her character's development


Girl’s attitude towards

Before Mack dies 

After Mack dies

her appearance

couldn’t care less


her brother

his presence bothered her

he bothered her more than before

boys her age

not important


her bedroom

shared room, dark, pale

one room just for her, feminine stuff

6. She disobeyed her father, she got worried as it was the first time that she did something like that. She didn’t regret it though, as she felt a connection with Flora. This was a representation of her letting herself be free from society’s toxic perspective. 

7.Men were considered superior to women. Women would stay at home and do the chores and they weren’t allowed to do everything a man could do because they were considered unable.

8. In our opinion the superiority of any gender over another isn’t real, all humans are equally capable of doing everything, and it's sad what women had to go through in the past.

9. We liked the story and its ending, some people may be against the story because of the position it puts women in, but taking into account the year when it was written, it's a very realistic story.

By Juan S. Mengual S. and

Catalina Botero C., Step 11 Blue