Guide for Responding
Old Man Of The Temple
Check Your Comprehension
1. The narrator's trip seems to be going smoothly until something happens to Doss. Describe what happens. Doss, while seeing an abandoned temple, realizes that there's an old man on the road, so he basically gets angry with him. Time later that old man disappears and there's when Doss starts to act a little weird, then saying he's Krishna Battar.
2. What does the narrator say to cause the old man to think about his own situation? He makes the old man realize that he's too old to be alive, so that he's dead.
3. How are peace and quiet finally restored? As the narrator convinces the old man that he's dead, that old man goes to find his wife that is also dead. So the old man never comes back to annoy the neighbors.
Critical Thinking
I. Why does the narrator find Doss's words about the old man unbelievable? [Analyze] That he was a man, an old old one, that talked a lot, and seemed that he spoke impulsively without stopping to think what he said and to whom.
2. How does the narrator react to Doss's transformation? [Analyze] He's nervous and also confused.
3. Why is the narrator suspicious of what the old man says? Give examples. [Interpret] First of all, the voice changes to Doss, second, he being possessed by the old man, begins to speak of kings, of villages, abandoned temples. And so the narrator is suspicious and in the end believes him.
4. (a) Is the narrator the type of person who would be more likely to be ruled by his feelings or by reason? (b) Why? [Infer] I think that feelings, because if it had been reason, I don't think he would have believed that old man was a ghost.
5. What purpose does the introduction of the family at the end of the story serve? [Connect] It serves, because at the end that's why he goes to find his wife.
6. (a) Which elements of this story are uniquely Indian? (b) Which are universal? [Classify] a) religion, architecture, the characters and their names and of course the setting. b) the theme, which is related to faith, tradition and acceptance.
Reading Strategy
I. Name two elements that are fantastic.
-The old is a ghost now, and Doss can see it.
-Doss is possessed by the old man's ghost.
2. (a) At what point does the plot become fantastical? (b) How do you know? When Doss sees the ghost of the Old Man and then, that man, possesses him. Because technically, ghosts don't exist (not everyone believes in them), so that possessions neither.
Literary Focus
I. Why is this story a fantasy? Because unreal, fantastic beings appear, such as ghosts.
2. How does the inclusion of fantastic elements make the story appealing? It makes it catchy, interesting and intriguing. Out of the ordinary, unlike anything we are used to.
3.What realistic elements of the story make it believable? The realistic characters (and also their names) and setting.
Build Vocabulary
1. brutality: state of savage physical violence
2.severity: condition of being severe.
3. generosity: state of being kind and generous.
4. individuality: the condition of a particular person that distinguishes them from others of the same kind.
I. sobriety: (a) sadness, (b) loneliness, (c) moderation
2. awry: (a) angry, (b) crooked, (c) clever
3. literally: (a) actually, (b) scholarly, (c) differently
4. longevity: (a) height, (b) endurance, (c) duration
5. imperative: (a) essential, (b) unnecessary, (c) ruler
6. venture: (a) game, (b) risk, (c) skilled
Build Grammar Skills
I. He stooped, wiped the beads of perspiration off his forehead, and hobbled along towards the temple.
2. He drove the car smoothly, seldom swore at passers-by, and exhibited perfect judgment.
3. I dug the earth, burnt every brick, and put them one upon another, all single-handed.