Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A poem for those tired of being compared to others


I want to be like him,

Going every day to the gym,

I don't want you to feel ashamed for what you see in me,

But… Is it necessary to compare me with him?

I need to stop doing it,

Just need to be someone I would like to meet,

I shouldn't push myself for a change,

Taking my time is not something strange.

They are better,

I should ignore them, that's what told me my mother,

Compare me with those seemingly fabulous, 

Doing that has no purpose.

I don't know which my destiny is,

I have many things to build my history,

I need to go slowly,

And to be carried.

This change is for me,

To feel free,

I’ll look myself at the mirror and I’ll be happy,

And I know I worked hard for it.

By Ignacio Negrette, Step 10 Yellow.