Wednesday, October 27, 2021

An IELTS Essay on Climate Change

 Why is climate change on the rise?

“Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.” - Edward O.

65,900,000 (20%) United States citizens think that climate change isn't real because its effects are perceived in the long term. These effects can be from the increase in temperature, increase or decrease of tropical storms, droughts, floods and acid rain.

Although many organizations focus on what happens in cities, it is also necessary to emphasize what is the effect that occurs in rural areas.

Many of these accusations may seem of little importance, but according to figures from the fourth report of the IPCC of 2007 (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) affirms that "The agricultural sector globally is the one that contributes the most CO2 emissions with 13.5 %, after the industrial sector with 19.4% "

Looking at these figures we can realize that there does not seem to be a strict regulation in this field since it is almost the same percentage of the industrial zones which is where it is presumed to produce an increase in climate change, even so in many countries this work involves a large percentage GDP (Gross domestic product) for which reducing it, may not seem the most efficient for the economy and being something not so obvious is not as important as industrial pollution and its derivatives.

By Mario Sandoval T. and

Andrés Plata, Step 10 Yellow