Thursday, June 3, 2021

Old Man Of The Temple

Genre: Narrative.

Subgenre: A Ghost Story. 

Theme: Acceptance 

Voice: Third and first person

Mood: Suspenseful 

Tone: Tense

Conflict: Inner: Man vs himself: Krishna who doesn’t want to accept that he is dead.

External: Man vs man: The protagonist trying to get Krishna out of Doss’ body.

Man vs society: Krishna who knocked the doors from people around the temple bothering them.

Climax: Doss, the protagonist’s driver, stops the car suddenly and when the protagonist asks why, he tells him that he is seeing a man on the road who just went out of a temple, so the protagonist gets out of the car and looks for the man but he can’t find him. Doss tells him that he is beside him, therefore the protagonist thinks that Doss is drunk but he says that he isn’t so they go back into the car.

There, Doss starts to talk “alone” telling that an old guy can’t go with them and then he gets possessed. At first the protagonist didn’t know what was going on but then he realized that his driver wasn’t him anymore, it was a ghost who controlled his body.

Resolution: Krishna, the ghost, didn’t know where he was, he was speaking about things that happened centuries ago, but the protagonist helps him to go away with his dead wife and he gets his driver back to reality.

New resolution: The protagonist gets out of the car to look for help and Krishna goes away with the car, but as he doesn’t know how to drive, he crashes, making himself disappear and killing Doss.


How old was Krishna approximately?

500 years old

How can you describe the temple physically?

Old and in ruins

Where does the story take place?

Between Kumbum and Maguldi

Who was the king when Krishna was alive?

Vishnu Varma

How does the protagonist get his driver back to reality?

He helps Krishna to go away with his dead wife.

By Juan S. Mengual S., Step 9 Blue