Wednesday, June 16, 2021


  Our Essay

Leadership is one of the most influential concepts in business, management, and overall life. For example, excellent leaders can make the difference between a company's success or failure.

Personal leadership skills are also important for success at home, where they can help you cope with problems, solve conflicts, and improve communication with children, parents, siblings, and other family members.

Leadership is the way notable individuals with a set of determine skills act in order to get everybody’s attention, and interest in a certain area.  A person aware of how to guide their team in a good way, making everyone feel comfortable in whatever situation they’re put in, is as well needed. Being a leader also partakes of your capability to analyze others’ weaknesses, in order to assign everyone the best role to do taking into account their strengths.

Good leaders are often described as charismatic, authoritative, visionaries who inspire others to follow them to fulfill their dreams. However, charismatic leaders are not necessarily good leaders. Authority without leadership is manipulation, and visionary leaders are not necessarily good leaders either.

According to the book "How to Build a Great Workplace", there are five basic types of leadership: visionary, emotional, role model, inspirational and instructional. Good leaders can be charismatic or more authentic but generally excel in one of these five types of leadership.

These qualities and skills serve people well no matter what their position in life, and they ensure that when a situation arises that requires their particular skills, qualities, and knowledge, they’ll be ready to step in, lead, and make the path smoother and better for everyone.

By Valentina Quintero and

Kevin Consuegra, Step 9 Yellow