Thursday, May 20, 2021

Peaceful Coexistence

 The Five Principles of A Harmoniuos Live In Community

  • Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity 

  • Mutual non-aggression

  • Non-interference in each other's internal affairs

  • Equality and mutual benefit 

  • Peaceful coexistence.

Pacific Convivence

Products: Role plays in 3s and comics to show situations to achieve harmony.

Starred by:

  • Verónica Duque, as the teacher. 

  • Isabella Botero and Valerie Cuello, as the students. 


- Good Morning class, today is a special day because it's Earth Day! So we’re going to talk a little about the world we live in. But also, because a new student is coming to our class! Welcome!!! please introduce yourself. 

- Hi everyone, my name is Valeria White, I am 8 years old, I like to listen to music and I would like to make many friends. 

-Please welcome your new classmate with a round of applause. *Claps* Darling, sit next to Ms. Boteringüis.

Ms. Boteringüis, please raise your hand.

-Ok, Miss.

*Valeria sits next to Isabel*

-Hi, I’m Isabel, but you can call me Chabellin.

-Hey! nice to meet you, call me Vals. 

-Uu like Chayanne’s song? *sings to <<tiempo de vals un dos tres un dos tres>>*

-OMGG, I love him!!!! My favorite song is called “un siglo sin ti” but I have “tiempo de vals” as my ringtone! 

-Hahaha, that's awesome. My mom loves him too! 

-Do you have something to eat? I am hungry *pouting* 

-Mmm, something to eat? But we’re still in the first class.

-And?? In my past school we could eat in class. 

-So? Here things are different, you can’t do that.

-Girls, please pay attention. 

-Sorry, Miss.

-So, won’t you give me food? 

-Of course I won’t. Break is in two hours, eat then.

-What a selfish. 

-What an ignorant hungry person.

-What did you say? *pinches her* 

-Ouuuch, how dare you?! There you go *pinches her too*

-I don’t regret it, you deserve this and more… *pinches her again*

-ARE YOU SERIOUS? HA, THIS IS WAR. *pinches her harder*

-Girls stop. Care to explain what is going on?



-Ok, please calm down. Let’s talk during break when everyone leaves. For now, focus on the lesson.

*break time*

-I'm gonna ask each one to tell me what happened. Valeria first.

-Today I was very hungry and I asked Isabel to give me food but she refused. When I was at my other school, teachers let me eat in class. 

-Now Isabel.

-Of course, both are different institutions and both have different rules that we have to follow and respect. She’s violating them.

-Thank you. Valeria, I understand that you were hungry, but that’s not a reason to aggress her. You must understand that the rules here are different from the ones in your past school. You have to wait till break to eat, and bring your own food. And you Isabel, the way you acted wasn’t right either. Remember that the correct way to resolve any conflict is by talking it out, not attacking each other. Always with respect. This time I’ll let it slide, but next time I’ll talk to your parents. Is it clear?


-Yes, Miss.

-Ok, you may go now.