Thursday, May 27, 2021

Opinion Essay

 On-line Dating 

First of all, what is on-line dating? why is everyone talking about this? 

The use of a specific website or mobile application for the goal of meeting a potential romantic partner is known as online dating. Many single people, in particular, utilize online dating services to find potential companions. 

Online dating allows users to communicate and connect with a large number of people who share common interests. Some customers are aiming for a short-term connection rather than a long-term partnership.

Nowadays, we spend long hours on the internet, on social networks and we meet people on the internet, we share publications, likes and, sadly, today we spend more time on the internet, rather than interacting face to face with people, from whom many prefer to find their partners online, but the question here is, is online dating good or bad?

In my opinion, it seems very dangerous, due to the fact that there are many people who pretend to be others, change their identities and then when you talk to them, you tell them about your life and they can steal or scam you, the most dangerous thing is that there have been several cases in which they get to the point of knowing the person personally and since they are bad, they can kidnap you. 

But not everything is bad, first of all you have to find a page to find a partner that is very safe so that you do not find people with false profiles, there are good people with whom you can share your tastes, send letters, talk, etc.; however, all this done very carefully, make sure that they do not pretend to be someone else, try not to give very personal information as a precaution.

Remember, you can find the love of your life, but very carefully. Social networks today give us everything, even our future life partner, but everything in moderation and care.

By Nicole Algarín, Step 10