Friday, May 28, 2021



My aim is to show the different effects of on-line dating, regarded as a way of starting a romantic relationship on the internet, by giving information about yourself or replying to someone else's information.

On-line dating has different effects and one of them is the little interaction with the real world.

A team of American psychologists conducted a review of on-line dating and concluded that it can warp a person's perspectives and expectations in such a way that it can reduce the possibility of building a successful relationship in the future.

The convenience offered by the Internet and on-line dating can cause a person to be unable to interact with another person in the real world, as they tend to be insecure in situations that involve their actual physical participation.

The false image effect is related to the previous one, since not having interaction with the real world we can have or see a false image, through the Internet people can adopt any facet or personality, projecting a false image to other users, reaching the point of convincing themselves that this is what they are, losing their real essence and triggering low self-esteem.

As there are bad effects as well, on-line dating gives you more opportunities. The online world gives you twice as many opportunities as traditional dating because you have two chances to make a good impression and charm your partner: one through the web and the other when you meet that person in person. Also you can meet people from all over the world. You have the opportunity to chat and contact men and women from any country.

On the other hand, in traditional dating your opportunities are reduced to a closed circle of friends and very specific places. On the Internet you can chat for a long time and, even if you live in different countries, look for the opportunity to meet physically in the place of residence of one or the other when you are sure.

In conclusion, my opinion is like everything else, it has its positive and negative points. The important thing is to know how to take advantage of each one, to be a little cautious and not to create false illusions.

Sofía Ranauro C., Step 10