Thursday, May 6, 2021

A Literary Analysis

 Coyote steals the sun and moon

By: Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz

Theme: A coyote and an eagle that stole the sun and the moon to survive

Mood: They were looking for a way to survive, the eagle had an ability to hunt so he act and also felt better than the coyote

Main conflict:

Internal: They coyote thought that without the eagle he wouldn’t hunt anything, he felt less than him.  external: they just thought about themselves when they stole the sun and the moon, and they didn’t realise how that can affect the others (a selfish act)

Tone: Curious, because he wanted to see what was on that box but actually that helps him to see the light 


A coyote that didn’t know how to hunt and an eagle that knew how decided to take a ride, making a team to hunt but then the coyote realised that they needed light to hunt. This way, they stole a box that contained the sun and the moon. Then, the coyote wanted to know what the box had inside, so he opened the box, then the sun and the moon escaped.

By Valery Duarte, Step 8 Yellow