Thursday, April 22, 2021

My Essay On Harmony

 Harmony in Our Country and the World

Colombia is a place with vast resources, incredible biodiversity and breathtaking sights to see. However, this is not the perspective many Colombians witness, and because of the many issues they are facing on a daily basis they are unable to experience the beauty within this country, and search for it in another one.

I believe it is incredibly important, so that Colombia can prosper, that it is in harmony with the rest of the world and take the example of the many peaceful countries an implement it in Colombia.

Firstly, by building relationships with other countries without personal interests involved. Although this might sound like something impossible, if countries helped each other, and were closer with one another, like how it happened during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I think the world would be a better place. An example is when Japan tried to help colombia in the pandemic by sending supplies.

Secondly, by putting aside the differences. It's obvious that some countries have much more resources than others, and because of that certain countries are generally mored advanced in certain aspects. But, what would happen if everyone put their differences aside? If everyone saw the world as their home instead of thinking that their country is their home, and moreover, thought that there is no need for competing. Doing this would mean that everyone would try to help areas that have less resources, and try to share everything by what everyone, as a society, needs and not what it wants.

In conclusion, I am thoroughly convinced that, by starting each country to develop non-personal interest relationships with each other and, gradually everyone starts putting aside their differences and thought more about the wellbeing of everyone instead of their selfish needs, the world would be in harmony.

By Dasha Nino, Step 10