There is no room for anyone else in intensive care!
(Barranquilla's Edition)
One year ago the Coronavirus arrived in Barranquilla and the pandemic started. We are today, like we started this pandemics, confined again, many cases, many dead people, the only difference is that the process of vaccination has began 2 months ago in Colombia, but there is not any difference between a year ago, except for the facts that nowadays virus strain is even stronger.
People aren't yet aware and don't take this seriously because some continue throwing hidden parties, skipping the quarantine, breaking new COVID-19 regulations, avoiding police codes and biosecurity measures.
Is not only that, the government in a way, for me is doing things wrong, commercial centers, discos, bars, etc.. they should be closed, in my opinion.
No all doctors are vaccinated, but that is not an excuse. Before vaccine, since the beginning of the pandemic in Colombia the doctors have worked without any break, so they haven't stopped working and it has been like that since the 1st, 2nd and 3rd peak of the pandemic, just doing it for us; which is why, for our country they are authentic heroes and for me too. But not only they've been working, they have been trying to stop more coronavirus cases, trying to prevent them.
Is not a matter of justice that doctors continue dying, getting infected by people who have no respect, no responsibility and no NOTHING.
Now we are in the 3rd peak of the pandemic, 2000+ cases per day in Barranquilla, without telling you all our Atlantic.
Please, be responsible in this time of COVID-19, stay home, take care of your families, we will get out of this by being responsible.
Cases will begin to decline with the arrival of vaccine doses, we have been in this for more than a year, wait a little longer, being patient is the key.
By Antonio de la Ossa, Step 10