Thursday, April 15, 2021

A Folktale's Analysis

 The Girl Who Hunted Rabbits

Characters: The maiden, the maiden’s parents, the two gods, the young men, the rabbits, and the demon.

Setting: Little gateway of Zuñi River in the days of the ancients.

Exposition: When we are introduced to the maiden, Naiya, and her situation at home which encourages her to go hunting for rabbits after seeing a group of young men doing such thing.

Rising action: Her parents wouldn’t let her go, but she was determined so they ended up letting her. Naiya was so excited that she didn’t heed a coming snowstorm.


Climax: When the snow fell, Naiya lost her way. After it got dark, she entered a cave she found in the Descending Plain of the Pines. But she heard a voice calling her, so she answered. She then found out that it was a Cannibal Demon who wanted to devour her.

Falling action: When the demon was about to enter the cave, two war-gods killed him and gave the maiden her garments, and hunted many rabbits with and for her.


Resolution: The two gods offered to guard her down the snow-covered valley until she was in sight of her home. Naiya then returned home happily with her rabbits.

New resolution: After the two war-gods saved her, Naiya decided to go home by herself. But as she was walking, the demon they thought was dead appeared in front of her and took her to the forest. She never came back.

Theme: The importance of family and hard work.

Voice: Third person.

Mood: Panicked, scary.

Tone: Informal, threatening, excited.

Conflict: Man vs self Because it’s all in the narrator’s mind. He ends up killing the old man just because he didn’t like his eye.

Man vs society The living situation of the maiden’s family, and that she wasn’t allowed to hunt.

Man vs nature She didn’t heed a coming snowstorm and the snow made her lose her way.

Man vs super-power When the cannibal demon went to her cave and tried to devour her. Also when the two war-gods saved her.

By Verónica Duque, Step 8Yellow