Once upon a time, in the fourth century, there was a little Japanese kid who wanted to craft for a living, he wanted to make spears, arrows and bows, his dream was to get to go out hunting by himself sometime and bring back a reindeer to the tribe, but he was too little and too weak for that kind of job so he figured that he could still help by making the weapons for people who were fitted for that job. Not being able to hunt because of his body was the first disappointment of his life, it surely wasn’t going to be the last though.
When he was seven he was the only kid of the tribe that couldn’t catch a frog. At thirteen he was the only one who couldn’t throw a spear with enough strength to hit the target. And lastly at seventeen he got attacked and defecated on by a dodo and each and everyone of his friends were there to see it and make fun of him.
That was the moment when he decided that he needed to do something about his life, he was stressed, angry and basically broke emotionally, so he created mandalas, which are diagrams or geometric patterns that represent the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically.
Drawing and coloring these mandalas helped him greatly, he was formerly an introverted boy, as a result of all the traumas he had gone through, but now, he was a completely different person, his whole life changed just by creating this geometric patterns, no more stress, no more rage, just his real personality. Of course he got disappointed many times more in his life, but when he was sad or angry, he just drew mandalas and then colored them as a therapy.
By Juán Sebastián Mengual,
Step 9 Blue