On April 2018, the day of my birthday, I made a wish of 15, that no matter the distance we were going to be, whatever the other needed, I would be there for her, and my wish came true, two years after my best friend went to live in the United States and we went from being the 4 of us together to only 3, we could be at thousands of km away from distance, but we never let that spoil our friendship.
Suddenly, on Saturday, February 20th, 2021,in the middle of this pandemic, we met again, we were again the 4 inseparable.
We took advantage of every second we had, to enjoy the little time we had left together. Now, I remember the 15th birthday dinner that I shared with my sister for her graduation from college, and it is one of my favorite memories, my closest friends were there with me ,we also had our family.
I can definitely say that my 15th was spent surrounded by people I love and I hope to share many more memories together.