Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Fable To Reflect Based on a Kaleidocycle.


Millennials ago, when time was being settled and goddesses were creating animals, insects were being designed. On a sunny day, one of those insects started comparing herself to her fellows beside her and told:

-Why are you guys so pretty creatures while I am so ugly?

One of the insects addressed to the goddess who gave colors and told her:

-Look at that critter there! She is complaining at her hideousness and is envious of us. I do not believe this is good.

-Goddess: - Ok. I will go to her.

She approached the grumbling being and told her:

-Do not wish for their beauty because yours is unique. They are butterflies and you are a moth, which explains why you are different.

-Moth: But butterflies have colorful patterns and attractive colors in their wings, while ours are hairy and earth dabbed tones. This situation is disgusting. They are pleasantly flying at daytime and do not let us sleep well.

-Goddess: - However, you do not let them sleep well at nights, you see?

-While you are fatally attracted by light (Phototaxis), they keep themselves far from it, enjoying it from the distance. So, I dare to say that this is dangerous for your survival, not the fact of having them around you all.

- Moth: - You gave us a like for wooded shelters and a wish for eating wool, silk, cotton, and any other natural fiber, so you have made from humans our natural enemies.

-Goddess:- No, we gave you freedom of choice and you started feeding yourselves from those fabrics because it was easier than looking for nocturnal flowers where to eat, like: the Cereus, the Ipomea Purpurea, the Sacred Datura, the Evening Primrose, the Brugmansia, the Night Gladiolus, the Night Phlox, the Night-Blooming Jasmine, Night-Scented Orchid, the Nicotiana, the Four O’Clock that produces diverse color flowers at the same time, the  Casa Blanca Lily, the Evening Stock, the Tuberose, and the Moon Flower or Ipomoea Alba).

-Goddess. -You guys are lazy!

-Moth: - We´re certainly not! We use the moonlight to orientate. You almost made us blinded creatures. We must keep track of that light, while flying at a constant angle from our eyes; otherwise, we are mere food for frogs and other monsters.

-Moth: - Look! How elegant you made those butterflies! They can fold their wings vertically up over their backs, while we can only hold ours in a tent-like fashion that hides our abdomens.

-Goddess: - Are you listening to yourself?

-Some minutes ago, you were complaining about having an ugly appearance and now you are protesting for having a way to hide your abdomen? Who can understand you, then? No way! Oops, talking to you is more difficult than trying to persuade a wall, which has ears.

The goddess quickly disappeared, not to leave the poor moth without any tongue to go on moaning.


By Miss Odilia Pérez

E.L.A. Teacher

Step 9