Thursday, February 11, 2021

A Scientist for A Day Contest

Research on life outside of planet Earth has always been a topic of great interest and relevance in the world, and into which many scientists have invested a lot of time and resources to find out what else is beyond planet Earth, what different discoveries can be unveiled and based on that, what future plans could be made. 

We decided that “Ariel” was the best option and the most interesting to investigate and find some answers of what we can expect there, as well as learning its behavior, composition and  geographic structures on its surface.

Since finding life outside planet Earth has always been a priority, we read something that caught our attention on this specific moon. Carbon dioxide was detected on Ariel which is extremely important since it's an essential element to have in terms of harvesting life. Is also thought that Ariel has had the most recent geologic activity among the other moons, as well as different characteristics such as its temperature, that rises and falls quickly, causing a porous surface, which keeps the subsurface from heating up.  

Due to these discoveries, we found it necessary to send a probe towards Ariel, in order to analyze its surface and investigate the geologic activities that happen there and why not on the other moons. What substances does this place have that the others do not?. And in that way, we could get answers, discover new amazing things about this unfamiliar terrain, and satisfy our curiosity.

In conclusion, life outside planet Earth is uncertain. For many years, scientists have tried to discover what else it's out there besides what we see, but with this information, we believe that many things could be made, such as future missions to Ariel or deeper investigations, and by that means, be one step further to know the never seen before. 

By Andrea Parra and

María José Reyes,

Step 9 Blue