Thursday, November 12, 2020

Analysis Of A William Melvin Kelley's Stories.

A Visit to Grandmother


In this story you can find several elements of literature present, one of them being the theme, which in this case is interracial racism. This can be shown when Chig’s father, Charles, tells his mother about how he always felt neglected as a child and how she always favored his brother, GL, because he had good hair and was light skinned, which caused Charles to be deeply affected by this and separated from his family at an early age.


The voice in this story is Chig because he is present and giving his point of view of what is happening in the story, therefore it is a first person narrator.


The mood that can be seen in the story is Melancholy. This is reflected when Charles’s family keep talking about the past when they are eating, causing Charles to feel sad that he was never included in such things and even if he had been, then he would have been treated differently.


The tone in this case is sentimental, because in the end Chig’s dad gives an explanation as to why he didn’t visit for so many years, and how he felt everything unfair growing up, all of that while he was crying and his mother was trying to reassure him that she was only doing what she thought was best.


In the story the inner conflict was a societal conflict, meaning that Charles (the protagonist) had to fight internally with the societal stereotype of people with white characteristics and overall superiority, which cost him his relationship with his mom and possibly his siblings. The external conflict was Charles’s inability to forgive his mother, despite him being away from his home for several years.


The climax is almost given away at the beginning when Chig begins narrating, starting from his father kissing his grandmother’s cheek in a not so pleasant mood. However, after that Chig starts from the beginning and the readers get to see why Chig’s father was not so talkative and friendly as he normally was with other people.


Lastly, the resolution in the story is Charles storming off the table after the discussion he had with his mother, and right at that moment GL makes his entrance, leaving the readers thinking that he may never talk to his family again. An open ending, for you to think of another optional way you might the story to end up.

By Dasha Nino, Step 10