Thursday, November 5, 2020

An Essay To Enjoy!

 Children in the Woods”

We think that “Children in the Woods” is a very constructive essay because it shows how incredible nature is.

Nowadays children don’t know about the importance of nature, they are almost always playing videogames or connected through any media, especially amidst this pandemia times, so it is actually very interesting how the author explains his experience in the woods and how the children ask about it.  

One of the senses the author, Barry López, used during his adventure was eyesight; because he was ‘’walking down a sidewalk with his mother and was caught by a pattern of sunlight trapped in a spiraling imperfection in a windowpane’’ (Taken from the literature book by Prentice Hall, Gold Level).

Another sense that he used was the touch because he said he made handprints in the mud. Later on, the sense of smell is stimulated: ‘’the thick perfume of propolis that drifts downwind from spring willows’’ (Taken from the book).

And the taste was not behind, considering “biting down into a taste so much wilder than last hight’s potatoes (Taken from the book).

By Alejandra Castro &

Mariana Bolaño,

Step 9 Yellow.