Friday, June 5, 2020

When Animals Become A Problem


A couple of monkeys threw themselves at a hospital employee near New Delhi and seized serological samples for COVID-19. Other employees continued to try and take away the three samples, but it was impossible. Even one the monkeys on top of the trees bit one of the samples, the remaining two were found unharmed later. 

Monkeys steal Covid-19 test samples from health worker in India ...
These monkeys are known for taking everything employees have on their hands, from food to cellphones and other things, but now COVID-19 samples, thing that immediately alarmed everyone due to the danger of those monkeys becoming possible spreaders of this virus. 

The monkeys issues in the country has been terrible, these monkeys take a variety of things, to the point where authorities are involved when it comes to these incidents. In many rural areas, farmers, whose crops are plundered by various bands of monkeys, have called for the intervention of local authorities to control their population. Authorities decided to ally with long-tailed monkeys to confront and repel other monkeys in the perimeters. 

India's situation regarding the virus has been terrible. This country is highly vulnerable to the spread of the new coronavirus, with its overcrowded megalopolis and poor health system, and has recorded a record number of new cases in recent days.

María Camila Montes, Step 10.