Friday, May 1, 2020

Truths and Myths regarding COVID-19

Truths and Myths regarding COVID-19

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As this virus began to spread so did fake news about it. People continue to use platforms like social media to spread false information, to create fear, or simply misinform. Many myths have arisen regarding this virus, and some of them are completely nonsense. So in this article you'll be able to read the real facts regarding COVID-19. 

"COVID-19 only affects elderly people"
This is absolutely false, this virus affects the whole population. What is true, is that it affects the younger ones with different intensity, but either way this doesn't mean its good. Since they can receive the virus, but feel barely any symptoms they become high risks transmitters. 

Throat cancer risk nearly doubles with hot drinks - SlashGear

"Hot drinks cure the virus" 
This isn't true either, although hot beverages can help with a sore throat this isn't the case. The only way of avoiding infection is following the right measures proven by scientists. Like washing your hands constantly, social distancing, avoiding physical contact completely, and any hygiene measure. 

"This virus is only a common flu"
No, it isn't, it's proven that the effects this virus has does not come from a common flu. Although COVID-19 comes from the same family as common cold viruses, they aren't the same. In fact in the same family we can find deadly viruses like MERS and SARS. COVID-19 is a new addition to the family, who also spreads easier that the previous ones. 
People can be confused by some similarities these viruses share, but definitely COVID-19 affects the body in a more severe way, with possible lung damage. As well, scientists are still studying the effects on other organs. This is a new virus which also means is unknown, so further studies will confirm or deny possible effects.

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María Camila Montes, Step 10.