Earth suffered a lot of damage by the prior five mass extinctions and now, our planet will suffer another mass extinction for just
one species that is us, the humankind.
We only behave like children that don’t
take care or preserve their only home.
We are making earth go to a really different mass extinction
which would be by far worse than the other five ones that would
take much more time to recover if it’s not destroyed at all… the
reasons why the next mass extinction caused by us will be
different is because of the death of the species who represented a
big percentage of our production, also for our actions and
because of the technosphere.
There was no animal, except for us who did something as harmful as
us. We have used more than 40% of the planet's resources for our
own production. As we conserve and manage the species, is
also impacting evolution… we are drastically changing species’
habitats and most of them are not able to continue breathing in
that way.
We are not connected with nature and almost all of the species
won’t be as they were before if they are not already extinct.
Scientists said that it’s possible to avoid the sixth mass
extinction, but we don’t know how society is going to behave.
Everything we do is taking big prices every time, we just fight
with nature and we need to join it.
As we continue growing in people each time and we will use
more fossil fuels, plastics, animals and energy to live, we
transform more the planet and contaminate more the animals.
What if we get extinct tomorrow?
Biosphere would possibly take a long time to recover, but it will
have an equilibrium and species will prosper again.
By Kevin Consuegra,
Step 8 Blue, Project Class