Is Peace A Possible Route In Colombia?

corruption is a fact that is in the public eye, so we are all obligated to take
part in combating it. Naturally, governments, elected to represent the people
and to ensure the development of nations, are the first to be obliged to adopt
ethical standards, so that the conduct of their officials is transparent,
effective and legitimized by public opinion.
The public servant must be clear
about what he or she is working for and at whose service, and clarity of ideas
that must also exist in the private sphere. Corruption grows and becomes, if it
is not stopped in time, a normal practice. That is why sensitivity towards the
public requires, in addition to adequate training, the exercise of exemplary
behavior by public officials and managers. That is, to preach by example, so to do this is necessary that those who have the responsibility, carry out a
self-criticism, analyze where they fail, amend themselves, and be able to
provide solutions.
Those in power must show the will to punish exemplary
officials involved in acts of corruption, who must be punished more harshly
than the average citizen for carrying greater responsibility. Today, more than
ever, there is a need for greater sensitivity to human rights, a greater sense
of conscience and a more operational concept of dignity. It is essential never
to lose sight of the reality of the actions being taken within government, both
negative and positive.
is a plague that destroys the people's hopes. They vote every 4 years looking
for a way out of this scourge and still they deceive us with their proposals to
return to the same
If the same
people don't agree to overthrow this, we can never have the happiness we
One example
has been the delivery of markets due to the situation of COVID-19. Millionaire
contracts by the governments and mayor's offices for defective products, in bad
condition or being falsified due to errors in the help pages. This suggests
that although in times of need solar energy is needed, these characters prefer
to enrich their pockets with fraudulent contracts regardless of the risk to
their people.
To conclude
you can see how bad it affects the country, and these is only a brief
explanation of it.