Positive Vs. Negative People

amazing how people can impact our lives both positively and negatively, social
networks are one of the means by which different people that we didn't know can
influence the lives of many young people and everyone in general, social
networks can lead to comparing yourself with other people and wanting to be
like these people who call themselves “influencers”.
are people who create content for different media, social networks, and at the
same time promote different products to their followers and influence them to
buy a product.
But I think that we are all influencers just
because we can all impact the lives of others in a positive and negative ways.
speaking we must think about how the other person would feel since we do not
know that a comment that we make could affect the other person.

person who has a negative perspective of himself and surrounds himself with
negative people can fall into depression, suffer from eating disorders, and serious
problems that may lead a person to attempt against himself.
we receive a negative comment, we should not get depressed, we should take it
in the best way and if you think that it is necessary to reflect and try to
must remember that nobody is perfect we all have positive and negative aspects
but we must improve those negative aspects and not make mistakes with cruel
comments about different people and if we have to make a comment do it in a way
that the other person will not take it bad.
times, unconsciously we can affect the lives of others but for that, we must
communicate and ask for forgiveness.
yourself with people who dream, see beyond, and do not have a closed mind.
must always see the positive side of things and not see the negative side.
everything negative has positive things while all the changes are good if you
see them in a positive way.
we "fail" everything is learned and we should not see it as if we fail,
we must see the positive side and learn for the next time we try to do better. Also,
negative people only see the bad so we must be careful if a negative person is
influencing our lives.

a person attacks you with horrible comments you should not attack the other
person although it is difficult but we must put ourselves in their place many
times people are having a bad time and they treat others badly this is NOT
RIGHT; however, we must try to understand another person and we must have
self-control and empathy with the other person.
Then when the person calms down we should talk to them and ask them what
is wrong and if we can offer them any kind of help many times people feel
lonely and need co-company, we as good friends can accompany them, help them
and advise them in the best way.
By María José Durán Calle, Step 9