Friday, May 29, 2020

Essay about aspects dealing with E.I.

E.I. (I.Q. and E.Q.)

In this essay I will talk about a greatly important area of intelligence called “emotional intelligence” and some aspects of this wide topic. Emotional intelligence is in a brief but precise and complete definition the capability of people to recognize their own emotions and those of other individuals around them, discern between their  different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior. 

Emotional intelligence could also help people to achieve their personal goals. A big amount of people say that EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) could function as well or even better in jobs interviews or interpersonal relationships than IQ (Intelligence Quotient) that is the quotient that most people recognize as the one that serves you to get jobs or achieve your goals in life.

Emotional Intelligence also has some aspects that people with a high EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) use, practice, and better every and each day in their lives. Some of these aspects are: Self-Awareness, it is basically knowing yourself and recognizing your emotions, Empathy, to have empathy is to understand and share other’s feelings, Self-Management, to control yourself and take responsibility of your actions, Self-confidence, to be sure and to trust yourself, Adaptability, the capacity to be comfortable in different situations, Transparency, to say and behave how you really are, Social Competence, this refers to getting along well with others, being able to form and maintain close relationships, and responding in adaptive ways in social situations, Teamwork and Collaboration, this aspect is one of the most important for having a high EIQ, to know how to work collectively, knowing how to ask for help, how to help when needed, recognizing others rights and wrongs and most importantly recognizing yours. These are in my opinion the most broad, extensive and important aspects for the good utilization of emotions.

As we can read in the paragraph written above, all aspects of emotional intelligence involve knowing your emotions and how to control them, and also knowing yourself and how to afront difficulties or to act when happiness, sadness or bad moods show up. For example, being emotionally intelligent could help you get hired in any job in the field of your profession. So, if you are emotionally intelligent you will not stay down in case of a hardship in your job; instead of doing nothing, you will pull yourself up and find another job where to work.

In my opinion Emotional Intelligence and having a high EIQ nowadays is super important for the fact that in our society we face rejection almost every day. Emotional Intelligence can help you in several cases, one of them could be when you want to be hired in an important company, in this type of cases you want to stay relaxed and confident, and as it says above self-confidence is one of the aspects in Emotional Intelligence.

By this essay I can conclude that Emotional Intelligence and having a high EIQ is an essential thing for being successful in your working life, interpersonal relationships, bettering your ability to teamwork and off course to understand your emotions and feelings, and to really get to know yourself.

By Juán Sebastián Mengual, Step 8 Yellow