Studying Far Or Close Home?
Going to college near home or far from it is a difficult decision in which both have their ups and downs, just like everything else in life. In this case we would like to start by establishing that our opinion is completely subjective and that this sort of thing is different for every person, as it involves many aspects of one’s experiences and mindsets.
Studying near home allows you to maintain a path built by those who guide you, going to school close to where you grew up often means that your support network is almost immediately available in case of an emergency, it allows you to save money on housing and other expenses, etc. Everyday is a new opportunity to reinvent yourself but it is a million times easier to do so, if you are able to change your life completely, which happens when you decide to study abroad or simply far from home.
Even though it is clear as water that living near, if not at home will be in many ways easier, it is comprehensible to acknowledge that you won't necessarily get more auto sufficient skills, as you will have your family and friends to support you in every step of the way.

For some, going somewhere new by their own, makes them gain independence and it’s up to them whether they get used to not having any authoritarian figure around or not. For example, if you get a parking ticket or have a medical appointment , those responsibilities are yours and no one else’s. Another benefit of going to college far from home is the opportunity to experience living in a new area. You might have to face new cultures, traditions and lifestyles but that can have a positive impact in many aspects of your life since it makes you expand your horizons and knowledge. New experiences are new beginnings with great things in store.
Finally, if you go to college far away from home you will have the opportunity to start over. Students often want to have the chance to get a fresh start after everything they went through in high school, and when you go to college far away, you can do so. Your past or any school mistakes won't follow you since you can meet new people, do new activities, and pursue a different lifestyle without being haunted by your high school self.
By Daniela Yúnez and
Natalia Del Castillo, Step 10.