Friday, May 15, 2020

Colombian Army Boats Seized in Venezuela

Colombian Army Boats Seized in Venezuela 

Venezuelan authorities found boats coming from Colombia in the Orinoco river. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, claims is suspicious the provenance of such boats, he says they are related to the current situation involving the two countries. 

These were abandoned artillery boats who's purpose according to Arreaza, contributes to the so called "Operation Gideon", he classifies this incident as an invasive attempt made by the Colombian Army to enter Venezuela. And finds bizarre that boats with artillery armament are simply led by the current. Either way, he accepted the boats going back to Colombia, but first Presidents and other authorities have to communicate for a safe delivery back to the country. 

Estas son las lanchas colombianas encontradas en territorio ...

In the meantime, Colombian authorities presented a statement. In that document, the Institution stated: "the event was presented when the sentry in charge of the security of the boats noticed that, due to the effects of the strong current, the boats are dragged by the river, without having the opportunity to recover them. In view of this situation, it was ordered that units of the Colombian Navy’s Eastern Naval Force be deployed to recover the boats".

María Camila Montes, Step 10.