Friday, May 15, 2020

Biodiversity Loss

An Extinction Story

—Grandma—the little girl said and sits next to the old lady in the couch of the living room—, why does the city look so sad?

—What do you mean, sweetie?

—We don’t see the sun often, the land is always dried, trees and flowers never grow and there are no animals. I want a pet, grandma.

The lady took a deep breath and started narrating the story. Her granddaughter wanted an answer and she would give it to her. If she knew that terrible events would happen before, she would tell everyone a lot of years ago to protect and take care of the Earth. What was done, was done and there was no going back.

“Many centuries ago, one day dinosaurs existed. They were happy because they all lived together without worries. But one day, something happened that they did not expect. A very big asteroid arrived and killed them all, unfortunately, all of their kind died.

As the years passed, the living species were able to continue with their normal lives. After that, humans existed. The species did not mind sharing their space with them, on the contrary, they thought it was great to have another species with them; however, humans became their worst enemies through the pass of the years.

Humans started hunting the poor animals just for fun and
destroyed their habitats. Regarding plants, they cut them, to create new urban areas for their benefit. For all of this and much more, scientists say that we are in possible mass extinction and all because of us.”

That's horrible, grandma. What can we do to help the planet?—asked the little girl.

Simple, dear. We can plant more trees, stop hunting animals just for fun, help endangered species not to become extinct, collaborating with all organizations with small acts, since they can make a difference, we can also switch to renewable sources of energy and stop fossil fuels.

That's right, grandma. I will set out to help the planet and the species, so what happened to the dinosaurs might not happen to us and those beautiful species that we still have on our planet.

Alejandra Castro, Andrea Parra,
and Laura Rodríguez, Steps 8
( Yellow and Blue, Project Class)