A Factual Story
Imagine a world where there are people totally willing to kill, hurt or bully other people just like themselves, made by the same thing, whether you believe in God or in wonderful bacteria, only because of their skin color, nationality, different religious beliefs or disagreements in their mindsets. It would be disastrous, right?
In this imaginary world, add up world wars just for economical and territorial control.
Make room in this story for corruption and poverty, these two, are very difficult issues to solve, because one of them very often is the effect of the other, both can be eliminated if all of us try, but some people are not willing to, are they?
Is essential to add climate change as a worldwide issue to this story, as it is one of the most important ones, climate change is caused by a great amount of factors, but in this case we will put all of our attention on human actions that make this problem way bigger and difficult to treat.

If you don’t know what Natural Resources depletion is, don’t worry, we can explain it to you very brevely, as its name says, it is the action of depleting natural resources, so, to use natural resources at a faster pace than that one of recovering them, sometimes these imaginary humans will run out of them for this reason.
There was once a guy named Oscar, he lived on an island along the coasts of India. He lived in a tiny town-like area called Pstilos, along with other 50 people from four different families. They were used to the island life, fishing and picking up tropical fruits, so they could eat. However, one day something peculiar happened. A tree fell down, and noises they had never heard before rang through their ears.

They felt as if they were getting closer to the sound, it was rippling through their ears and even though they were scared they had to remain calm or at least look like it, they did not know what it was just yet. Once they could not take it anymore and almost gave up, they saw it. A large strange piece of machinery they had never seen before in their lives, but they were other humans at their side, they started screaming hoping they’d hear it, but the things covering their ears made that impossible.
They, even frightened, went closer to the humans, they noticed their presenc,e but the look they gave them was unrecognizable. Oscar tried to talk to them and begged them to stop, but they wouldn’t hear, they spoke a language completely foreign to their ears and seemed completely unaware of what the man was trying to communicate. They were awfully close to their homeland and the men and women who were sent would not let anything happen to their families, so they started shooting at the machines with their self made weapons, speers, arrows, rocks. But it didn’t stop and sadly they were just tied to a tree, watching as their town vanished into piles of mud and ashes.
This story represents how awfully cruel the human species can be, especially when it comes to their own benefit, then arise the worst parts of them, as to say: Selfishness, coldness, and greed come to the surface and will not care of the damage they cause.
Every last thing that you watched or listened in this story,
could have occurred, might happen or is evolving sometime in human history if we do not take care of the things that we damage on this planet, sometime all of the bad things that we do to it, will get back at us and make us suffer their repercussions more than we made the planet suffer.
And that is right there my friend, that’s a fact.
By Mariana Bolaño and Juan Megual
Step B, Project Class