Friday, May 15, 2020

A Four Centimeter Killer

Murder Hornets

Just as we thought that our world’s situation couldn't get any worse, 2020 keeps on surprising us and not exactly in “good” ways. The start of the year was very turbulent and problematic, just 3 days after whistleblowing and celebrating the ball drop in Times Square with the intention to warmly welcome the new year, the city of New York just like the whole wide world got to hear about the killing of General Soleimani, a cherished Irani leader whose blood remains on the US army as an ever-fading stain of war threat. After that still unresolved event, our world had to cope with unbelievable wildfires in Australia in which, as of january 7th staggering 1 billion animals were estimated dead in the fires, while the number of kangaroos, koalas, and others killed kept skyrocketing

May has just begun, but it has already come with some surprises to show us, recently there have been reports on sightings of an insect that is believed to be a deadly one, that wipes out bee colonies within hours.. the vespa mandarinia.

The commonly known Asian giant hornet was spotted in Washington state by a man close to a beehive he owned, it quickly generated panic across social media when people noticed how powerful this wisp is. It can grow up to 2 inches long, it is capable of decapitating honeybees and its venom it’s so strong it can kill up to 50 people a year in Japan. 

Experts have raised awareness, as many residents have had similar encounters with the hornets in the last couple of weeks, while authorities are trying to know the source of this sudden emergence.

By Valeria Villera and
Natalia del Castillo, Step 10