Friday, April 17, 2020

The American "King" Doesn't Have Any Crown

The American "King"

Donald Trump anuncia que EE.UU. suspende el financiamiento a la OMS

The United States has become the center of the pandemic COVID- 19, having hundreds of victims every day, and thousands of deaths. 

Yet American President Donald Trump urges to reestablish economy, since it collapsed with the pass of the pandemic. Adding up to this, hundreds are unemployed. 

Trump, based on the country's constitution affirmed on Monday the decision on getting the country back on track because he relies on his hands and he has the final resolution, he believes, but the governors all around the territory disagree, stating that the country is not ready to do so, taking into account this situation with the sanitary emergency and the statistics showing the risk is increasing for the citizens. Governors are preparing plans on how to attack the virus in the shortest time possible. 

On Tuesday, New York governor Andrew Cuomo claimed "We don't have a king in this country" making a reference to Trump stating he has the last word on the subject, and added that decisions like these may unroll a constitutional dispute. 

As well, President Donald Trump has been criticized for weeks, due to his attitude regarding the pandemic and his actions. In multiple occasions since the beginning of the virus emergency, he would diminish the impact of it could have on the world. This caused commotion, not only in his citizens, but also all around the world. 

By María Camila Montes, Step 10.