Friday, April 3, 2020

Single Parents

Growing up with a single mother

13 Reasons Single Mom Are Superstars, And Why It's Great To Be A ...Being a single father or mother is now very common around the world. Although there are still some prejudices about them, it is now seen as a simple topic. Around the USA 58% of the families are conformed by a mother and child or father and child. But, growing up with a single parent is special, but it's not easy.

I will explain in simple words the story of Rita, that grew up in a family of two, her and her mother. She said that if she had learned anything throughout her 23 years on this planet, it's that "a single parent will do anything it takes to make you happy and give you the best possible life they can".  She also added that doing any major task alone is stressful and difficult; and that she had rough patches that are unique to a single-parent household. However, that doesn't mean growing up with a single parent is any worse than growing up with any other type of family. In fact, from her experience, it may have been even better.

How to return to work after a career break - Chicago ParentShe grew up as the only daughter of a single mother, it was unique for her, she said it was a one-on-one relationship. She expressed that as she got older, she always knew she could go directly to her for any advice on any topic, from struggling friendships to sex. But because her mother worked long hours to be able to provide for her, she said her mother didn't have the time or energy to do things that the average parent would do when she was younger. 

She noted that her mother wasn't able to take her to school in the mornings; she wasn't able to play much with her after grueling workweeks, and that they had never once sat down at the same table for a home-cooked meal. She mentioned it was pretty sad. "But not everything is bad" , she pointed.  Rita said that growing up with a single mom help her to be more mature and allowed her to gain new experiences.

The purpose of a single parent is to provide a well-balanced and harmonious development to a kid. It is a challenging job to handle it all alone, but not heavy. There are many cases of single-parent families in our present community that has been an inspirational reference to everyone.

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By Manuela Orozco, Step 10.