Friday, April 24, 2020


Book’s Day 

April 23 is the book’s day, and this day is very special because is the day of birth or death of famous writers that marked the literature, authors as Cervantes, Shakespeare, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Manuel Mejia Vallejo, among others share this date. For this reason, this date was choose by the UNESCO General Conference as tribute to the books and its authors, and it encourages everyone, particularly young ones, to discover the pleasure of reading and respecting the irreplaceable contribution of the writers to  the social progress and culture.

This beauty and this love toward reading is celebrated today. Books are a way to unite people, to travel to brand new places (specially nowadays that even going to the grocery store is an adventure). Books are food to the soul. Hours pass by without noticing, you skip meals because you need to know what comes next, you are unable to sleep until you learn what is the end. Those stories become a part of you that will always remain.

It is almost impossible to explain with words the magic that comes with reading, this is why all we can say, is to take this chance and enter this magnificent and extraordinary world. During this dates it is tradition to gift a rose after you finish a good book, during this time of quarantine, gift a good story to someone you love, recommend them a book that means a lot to you, as a way to deliver a part of your soul with it.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin
By Camila Orozco and
María Camila Pinzón,
Step 10