Friday, April 24, 2020

Possible Covid-19 Vaccine?

March 16th, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI) gave the first-ever injection of an investigational vaccine for the new coronavirus that have stop humanity, SARS-CoV-2, and now this possible vaccine have advance to its the second round of injections and I dont know about you, but for me this are great news!

The vaccine, called mRNA-1273, was developed by scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and at the Cambridge, Mass.-based biotechnology company Moderna, Inc.

Humans are a "naive" population when it comes to the virus. The first shot “is a primer to set the immune system up, giving it a first look at the virus,” said Lisa Jackson, the one in charge of the whole trial.

The second shot, administered 28 days later, builds on that
protection so the body can more rapidly produce antibodies if it is later exposed to the virus. The way of moving forward with this trial is that the volunteers will be followed for 13 months to ensure they have no side effects or other reactions to the vaccine.

This second round of shots is part of Phase I trial of the possible vaccine. The goal is to test the safety of various doses and whether these doses produce an immune response.

Phase I trials don’t study whether the vaccine is effective in preventing COVID-19 infection. That comes in Phase II. But in terms of treating the already infected patients, this vaccine is so far the most promosing, but still it is too early to make an affirmation because the vacine is still on testing process.

We need to clarified that there are no vaccine nor treatment that have been approved for the Covid-19, yet the mRNA-1273 was the first one on been tested worlwide,according to the WHO.

We need to realize that there have been a progress regarding the cure of the Covid-19, is no time for losing hope, its amazing to see the first advanced on a possible cure.

Remember to stay home, stay safe.


Andrés Argel and Susana Rengifo, Step 10