Animals On The Brink Of

The animals on the verge of extinction are those that are a few of
their kind, that could disappear from the planet completely. The main
causes for this are their habitat loss, hunting (for their skins, ivory, to eat them, etc.), diseases, and climate change. The 38% of the animals on the planet are becoming extinct, so next are some animals on the brink of extinction and the reasons why this has happened so far:
Pink dolphin: its meat is sold as bait, according to
an investigation fishermen prefer to use the dolphins as bait because their meat
has more fat and a strong and characteristic odor that attracts the fish and as
their fishing is prohibited, they cannot sell it in the market.
Tiger: its population has decreased to more than 60
percent due to human invasion of its habitat and hunting.
Orangutan of Borneo: its main threat is the
because they inhabit in the palms, but they are used to make oil palm
that is a common form of oil produced for: Creams and coverages, spreadable products, snacks, and cakes, pre-cooked food, chips and snacks, cleaning products, cosmetics, and candles.
The corals: The Man has used corals for decoration and
jewelry for 5,000 years. Fishing and tourism have damaged much of the coral
reef. It is predicted that within a few decades 80% of corals in the ocean will
have disappeared.

How can we help these animals?
Some of the actions that are carried out to prevent a
species from disappearing are the following:
Prohibit the hunting of animals: this measure is very
important because hunting has put many species in danger.
Avoid deforestation of forests.
Protect areas and nature reserves.
Avoid contamination of natural resources:
Promote plans for captive breeding.
By Gabriela Díazgranados, Step 11