Friday, March 6, 2020

Trouble and Emotional Intelligence

Troublesome Situations.

Many people have different ways of reacting to “troublesome situations” these situations can be full of fear, stress and anxiety so it is very important to know how to react and try to react in the best possible way.

When you are in difficult situations, you must take into account the following guidelines to harm yourself and others and thus solve your problem with the best possible solution.
1.    Listen: Everyone wants to feel heard (listening to the point of view of the other person can have a broader view of the problem, and also more options to solve the problem)
2.    Stay calm:  When a situation is emotionally charged, it's easy to get caught up. You must monitor your breathing. Try to take some slow, deep breaths. (You must take into account your breathing in situations full of emotional stress since it is very easy to get into an anxiety crisis)
3.    Don't judge: Don't judge the other person without knowing their point of view or how they feel
4.    Avoid smiling, as this may look like you are mocking the person:  Similarly, humor can sometimes lighten the mood, but more often than not, it’s risky and it may backfire (avoid doing this since the other person may feel that you are making fun of her/his)
5.    Don't argue or try to convince the other person of anything: Don't force the other person to do something he doesn't want
These are some guidelines that you can keep in mind when you are in a difficult situation with acute. It is also important to remember that we all go through difficult situations in our daily lives and that you are never alone, you can always ask your parents, a friend, a teacher or someone who can trust you and help you advise and help.

When you are in stressful situations try not to think about the problem or think negatively, Try to think positively and if you have the possibility of exercising or some sport to release toxins and stress since the exercise is an antidepressant so you will be able to distract and avoid the problem for a moment.

By María José Durán, Step 9