Friday, March 6, 2020

New Short Story

The Golden Age

The start

Hey! It’s me, Speedy, I’ve discovered something that made me stay in shock, but why I should tell it now if I haven’t told what happened before.

It was a sunny day, I was talking with my best friend Trace, furthermore I had free day, so I don’t have to work, Trace and I were at a restaurant when…

T: -His phone rings- Oh, hey wait a minute…

S: Ok, don’t worry

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     In the cell phone call <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

T: Hello!…

???: Oh! hey Trace…

T: Oh… Hi, dad!… What’s wrong?…

T’s dad: A help in the laboratory

T: Mmm… Ok, What’s up there?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The call cuts down <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

S: Is all ok Trace?

T: There is a problem in my father’s lab… I don’t know what happened

S: Let’s go there, then!


S: Calm down…-gets dragged by Trace-

T: C’mon, if you are the fastest person, go and find him…

S: -Uses his super velocity- Where is he?...

???: Speedy?!

S: “!”

???: Is me…where is Trace…

S: I don’t know… what happened…?

T: -Enters the room where speedy and his own dad were- Dad!!!

 T’s Dad: A virus… It infected many guys… this virus was found in a bottle in the forest…

S: So… that means that… someone tried to produce it… but why… -shrugs-

T: Whoever has done it, we will give him a lesson…

T’s Dad: -coughs- there was a traitor… -coughs- … -faints-

T: Dad?! DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

S: He will be ok… - He picks him up and walks outside-

T: “Trace calms down… You have seen the other laboratory…but it was 90 miles away from here…and it should be infected… My dad told me what happens when that virus gets in your body”

S: Trace… You Ok? You are pensive today huh…?

T: “!” ...huh... well… I know where the “traitor” has gone… but it is about 90 miles from here…

S: Well, let’s leave your dad in the hospital… then we should walk there… do you know the exact coordinates?

T: I don’t, but I know who does…

S: It is who I think is it…

T: I think you know but… let’s leave my father on the hospital…

S: Oh! I forgot him…

T: -face palm- Really… you forgot you had him on your back all this time…

S: Y-yes…

T: … well whatever… let’s go, is for today, not for the end of the world…

S: You know we can die there right?...

T: But it won’t happen

-They arrive at the hospital and Miss Sylvie attend them-

SY: Is all ok guys…

T: Emmm… I don’t know what happened to my dad… Can you help him… he fainted for no reason.

S: -Walks outside of the hospital in silent and… Crashes with another person- Ouch…! –rubs his head-

???: Look where you are wal…- Speedy?...

S: Huh…? … G-glace…?...

G: Speedy!!! –hugs him making him blush- W-what happened…? To you specifically…

S: …

G: Is all ok?...

S: Y-yea… Just a bit worried…

G: A-about w-what…?

S: Huh…? … well… Trace’s dad fainted… he is at the hospital now…

G: Really… and your brothers…

S: Is supposed that Kris is helping Flare… and your sis…

G: She is coming…

S: Oh well… I suppose…-his cell phone rings- talking about brothers… -answers the call-

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the cell phone call <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

S: Hey Kris!?... t’sup…

K: Well flare wants to talk to you… where you are…

S: I’m at the hospital

K: WHAT!!! You ok?

S: Yes, is not me… is Trace's dad…

K: Oh…

S: Well tell Flare where I am… By the way, Leaf is coming here 7u7

K: Oh… that means that you are with Glace 7u7

S: Well… Y-yea… but I know Flare is in love with Leaf…

K: He is as obvious as you…

S: … Say what…

K: I don’t know why Glace hasn’t noticed you like her 7u7

S: …

                >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Call ends <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

S: …

G: … Are you ok? Who called you… Kris?

S: -nods- And flare is coming

???: F-Flare?...

S: huh…? Oh! is you Leaf… When did you arrive?…

L: When you well talking on your phone…

S: Have sense…

G: Well… see who have come… 7u7 –looks at Leaf-

L: W-what… -notices Flare- …

S: 7u7

G: 7u7

F: …Why that faces –notices leaf- … -blushes-

L: …

S: Ehhhhh… enough blushing?...

L: “!” –notices that she was blushing- …

G: -giggles- -whispers to leaf- Luck sis

L: … GLACE!!!

F & S: …

(Trace arrives where the other guys are)

T: … speed… bad news…

S: Shhhh…. –whispers to trace- remember that you can’t tell what happened here… and less if my bro and Glace are here…

T: Uh, yes sorry… who knows about it? –whispers back-

S: About what?…-whispers-

T: That you don’t officially work as a mailman that you are a rescuer… -whispers-

S: Just Sylvie and Espy

T: Wait… is she the one that… 7u7

S: Ehhhhh… well… I don’t know if she actually is… I don’t remember her that much… was 3 years ago…

T: Hey and Kris…

S: 7u7 … wait… You… Kris…

T: not what you’re thinking!!! –gives a few step backwards-

S: … I won’t make you anything… -mumbles- not jet –smiles-

T: …

G: Guys… what are you two whispering…

S & T: …

S: Ehhhhh… well… -notices that Flare and Leaf are too close- -whispers- that… -points to Leaf and Flare-

G: … well, include me in the conversation –giggles-

T: ... O-ok…

S: …

G: So… Trace, how are you with Kris?… 7u7

S: … LIAR!!!!!!!!!!

T: Uh-Oh… well… how are you doing it with Speed?... 7u7

S & G: -blushes-

T: … Now, I’m really dead…

S & G: TRACE!!!

T: …

S: You are a dead boy now…

G: REALLY TRACE!!! Had to be you…

T: Yes, that’s me…

G: -face palm-

S: Dude…

T: well, sorry… hey I think we will need the help of all of them…

S: But they will know that I was and am a rescuer…

T: Don’t worry for anything bad will happen if they know it…

S: Well… If I’m lucky I won’t have any problem

T: I’ve an idea

S: I think I know what you will say…

T: Let’s make the whole squad to fight that infested dudes…

S: I knew you will say something like that and also I agree with it…

T: There you will have the opportunity to say the truth

S: But… how will they take it?

T: I know who wants that you say what u feel 7u7.

S: C’mon… really?

T: -sighs- Whatever… let’s go…

(A while later)
[All the squad was there]
*they are: Black,(male) Espy(female), Sylvie(female), Kris(female), Axel(male), Leaf(female), Glace(female), Flare(male), Speedy(male) and Trace(male)*

T: guys, Speedy wants to tell all of you something

S: -gulp- Well guys, I've lied to all of you, I work as a mailman that's true but my real job is as a rescuer, also… I need your help to save the world of a psychopath that has freed a virus that can destroy all that we know

G: W-why You had to lie to us, we are your friends, although, I will help to deal with the virus -smiles cutely-

S: -smiles back-

F: Big bro… I'll help you with it… count on me 

K: Same…

L: I-I'll go…

F: You sure…

L: Yes! Besides that, you can protect me -blushes a bit-

All -Leaf/Flare-: 7u7

F & L: -blushes hard-

B: -sighs- Speedy did frost worked with you…

S: actually, yes, he was the best on it…

E: Remember that you told me, as another thing you discovered 7u7

S: You too Espy,  I was thinking that you were more mature than them

E: I'm, but I want to bother you 

S: not funny

T: Let's go then

(They walked to the house of a Trace's friend)

Next week: Another part. Wait for it!

By David Estrada, Step 8 Y