Friday, March 6, 2020


The Mohan 

Resultado de imagen de el mohan
On February the 19th, we visited 'El Malecon' a place full of colors, biodiversity, and at the edge of Magdalena`s river, the main fluvial artery of the country, it has been of great importance for the development of communities that since the pre-Columbian era settled on its banks, using it as a means of transport and survival with activities such as fishing. Since then, a variety of legends about Magdalena's river have emerged, such as La patasola, el hombre Caiman, la madre monte, la madre agua among others, that contributed to Colombia`s literature.

There are several legends, but there was one in specific that caught my attention, one named The Mohan, I liked a lot its versatility and how each town gave a different interpretation of it. It talked about a man who was usually drunk, with a bad character with men, but that loved women and seduced them, it is said that he had a long bear, and that when he was obsessed with a girl, she disappeared any day.

In my opinion, this is a clear critique to all the men that were and are with multiple women at the same time, and that because of their addiction and sick mental health end up kidnapping innocent girls that like the attention they give them.

By  Isabella Duarte; Step 10.