Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19: Progression Up to March 23rd

What To Do To Stop Coronavirus Spread

The worse is happening, when we first wrote about the coronavirus known as Covid-19 we never expected that it would spread itself to the whole international community, but  sadly, the situation is going from bad to worse because there are more than 340.000 confirmed cases worldwide and it has killed around 14.800 people according to the WHO (World's Health Organization) and to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University. 
Almost every country worldwide has cases of people with the virus, but Italy and Spain are the two countries where the spreading of this disease is nohow to be stopped. Italy's death toll from an outbreak of coronavirus rose in the last 24 hours (March 23rd) by 6.077 with a total number of cases of 63.927 and 7.432 recoveries, overtaking the total number of deaths so far registered in China, officials said.

However, Italy's outbreak came to light in the north of the country on February 21st, but social distancing was imposed too late and many people anyway didn't follow the protocols, so they used non personal protective equipment, leading to a rapid spread of the virus and a massive contagion that seems far away from finishing with the expected herd immunity.

Saint Louis University-Madrid forwarded to its community the U.S. Department of State Global Health Advisory, which cautioned all citizens, worldwide, of level 4 measures, telling them not to travel. This advisory stated that U.S. citizens who do not return to the States now face being forced to remain in Spain for “an indefinite period of time.” 

Governments all around the world are looking for solutions to stop the spreading of this virus and to reach the vaccine. But this is something of responsibility and solidarity from all of us, this might be only affecting the 3% of the whole world population, but did you know that it represents 7.7 billion people? 

There is a journalist that stated that Italy and Spain are 10
days ahead of USA, Colombia, UK, France and some other countries where the virus is just arriving; then, let's learn as a united society from their mistakes, so that we do not commit them in order that the rate of death and cases of people with coronavirus decreases. Let's quarantine ourselves, wash our hands when ii is necessary, take vitamins, especially C and D3, don't take all the toilet paper in stores. Let's cooperate with our government and doctors to help us!

Do not forget that if you feel some of the symptoms of the virus ISOLATE YOURSELF! This is a matter of everyone, and as Antonio Guterres (Secretary general of the United Nations) stated “with support, kindness, and compassion, we will see this through together”

For more information see the BBC link below:


By Andrés Argel and
Susana Rengifo, Step 10